Harvest Campus Ministry
Tyler Hardin
In 2013, I stepped onto the campus to pursue a degree and baseball career. Little did I know, God would use those pivotal years to bring me into a relationship with him, and reveal to me my God-given purpose of being a disciple maker. My freshman year, through the college ministry of Hardin Baptist Church (Hardin, KY), a team mate on the baseball team, and a weekly Bible study that I was attending on campus, God showed me that I had a great need to repent and be forgiven of my sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:23) In putting my faith in Christ for the first time, God began a journey in my life to know him more and make him known to others who were still lost and searching for forgiveness and their life purpose. In those years, I saw God faithfully save other friends and peers of mine and took notice that what God was doing on the campus never stopped there, but was reaching the World through these same students as they graduated and were sent out on mission to Glorify God with their lives wherever they go. Over the last few years, and as many as God calls us to, we (my beautiful wife Ashlee & our boys Brady and Hayes) are helping lead this ministry to fulfill the Great Commission and as our ministry name insists, raise up many Christ-like Laborers for the Harvest of the Lost World. (Matthew 9:35-38)
Contact: tyler@hardinbaptist.org
Support Tyler here onrealm.org/hardinbaptist/-/
Cait Viers
Even from a young age, I would have considered myself a Christian. I never doubted that God existed or that Jesus died on the cross. Though I knew these truths in my head, I was not actively clinging to them in my heart. When I started college in the fall of 2015, I continued to look for acceptance and purpose in everything I did and every relationship I had. However, over and over I was let down and continued to feel empty. Through my sorority sister, I was introduced to the college ministry of Hardin Baptist Church (Hardin, KY), and began to hear and understand the Gospel for the first time. After several conversations, I discovered that though I had attended church multiple times throughout my life, I did not have a personal relationship with God. I realized I had a heart of stone and I desired to have a heart of flesh from our Lord. (Ezekiel 36:26) During my junior year of college, I surrendered my heart and life to Christ and made him Lord. The impact of being a part of a college ministry and getting connected with Hardin Baptist Church, was evident in my life and the people around me. It furthered my desire to share the Gospel and make disciples on the college campus! The last two years I have had the privilege of raising up Christ-like Laborers for the Harvest of the Lost World by working for Harvest Campus Ministry. (Matthew 9:35-38)
Support Cait here: https://onrealm.org/hardinbaptist/-/form/give/hcmcv
Zachary Shipley
From an early age I can remember going to church every Sunday and hearing the preaching of God’s word, but it was not until my freshman year at Murray State in 2013 where I finally surrendered to the Lordship of Christ and received His glorious grace. I had come to Murray State simply to live out my dream of playing college football. It was on that team that I came to know men who were truly living out the Gospel in their life and I was able to attend bible studies led by our team chaplain that God would ultimately use to show me my sin and my desperate need for a Savior. Through repentance and faith, my walk with God began. I was incredibly privileged right away with amazing men around me who discipled me and Hardin Baptist Church for laying a biblical foundation for my life. It was through growing in my walk with God personally, growing in community on campus and at church, and through seeing the great needs of the World that upon graduation I said yes to an opportunity to be a full time evangelist and discipler on the college campus. My wife and I, and now our beautiful Emaline, get to be part of the Harvest Campus Ministry team that pursues college students daily with the hope of the Gospel and the plan to mobilize them as Christ-like laborers who are ready to labor in the Harvest field of the Lost World!
Support Zach here: https://onrealm.org/hardinbaptist/give/hcmzs