Teaching Kids About “Moses Noses”
I’ve always been connected to church. My parents laid that foundation from day one, and I’m forever grateful. Church has never been just a place that we go; church is who we are. I still remember my sweet Sunday school teachers and the impact they had on my life. They helped lay that foundation as well.
In 2010, when we had our first and only child, I knew that God was leading me to serve in the children’s department at First Fruits Farm. Back that up with the fact that I’ve always said that if you have a child, you should be involved in the children’s ministry. So, we jumped in and started to help in the nursery. Eventually, I moved from the nursery to teaching 3 & 4 year olds, where I still serve today.
I’ve heard so many people say they don’t feel like they are qualified to be a teacher. And I always say, “Me neither!”. Teaching is not about a strict schedule or extensive planning & preparation; it’s about telling kids about Jesus, talking with them about their week, getting your hands in some Play-Doh, and having FUN! And ya’ll, the neatest thing is seeing those kids come in every week ready to learn about Jesus! I don’t know who’s more excited; me or them!
At Hardin, we are encouraged to get involved in a small group. My small group just happens to be at First Fruits Farm!
In one of our recent lessons, we learned about Moses. Some of my kiddos had trouble remembering his name, so we pointed to our noses and decided to call him ‘Moses Noses’. And now, Moses, the great Old Testament prophet, will forever be known to me as ‘Moses Noses’. And I bet he will be to you, too.