When Connection Matters Most

Adult Sunday School, you don’t know what you’re missing…
Hi, we are Mike and Darla Dillon and this our story of how we came to LOVE Adult Sunday School.
Growing up, there was never a question about attending Sunday School, you just did. Then when we became adults and married it was something we felt we could just do without, after all, Sunday School was just for kids.
As we raised our children, Sunday School was somewhere we dropped in and out of, never being fully committed to a class.
We always attended preaching service and felt that was all we needed. Anytime we talked about our lack of attendance we would tell ourselves “ you don’t have to go to Sunday School to go to heaven”.
Then God stepped in ( like He does) my husband and I had been out of Sunday School for a long while (again) when we both felt God was telling us it was time to try again. We went to Know To Grow class taught by Randy Taylor, we attended a short while and dropped out yet again.
But the nagging feeling wouldn’t stop, so in January of 2010 we went back to Know to Grow and as we opened up to the experience of fellowship, the blessings that were there all along came down to us. It’s not just that we were learning the Bible together; there is friend ship, support in good times and bad and the opportunity to know and help others in a way that is not available anywhere else in the church.
Like most people we sit in the same area each Sunday and know the names and speak to the folks that sit around us but you can’t develop the same kind of relationship in worship service no matter how large or small the church.
In an Adult Sunday School you talk, laugh, cry, and really form bonds with the folks in your group. You learn about each other’s children, work, health and other issues, the more you know each other the more you can pray and encourage each other. We were both the givers and receivers of encouragement, support, and friendship. Through contacts made in Adult Sunday School, we found opportunities to minister to others, the blessings just kept coming!
Then on July 21st, 2015 something happened.
There was a death in our family. It was sudden, tragic and violent. There were many questions and few answers. And it was then we discovered we were more than a fellowship, we were a family. Our class surrounded us with love and support, it was immediate and unconditional. Phone calls, texts, praying with us and for us, food, coming to the funeral home, one on one meetings, the list of kindness goes on and on. It was truly God’s love shown here on Earth.
Hardin Baptist as a whole was there for us too, but there is just nothing like having that close group to love and comfort you during hard times.
It took a long time for us to discover the joy God had waiting for us in an Adult Bible Fellowship but now that we have, we know we never want to be without it again! Don’t wait as long as we did, check out the Adult Sunday School available here at Hardin, you won’t be sorry!
You can get to heaven without going to Sunday school, but why would you want to?
Hebrews 10:24-25
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Acts 2:42
42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.