Bro. Ricky Cunningham

I was born and raised in Calloway County in the small town of Dexter. In 1980, I married Celisa and we have two children; Kalista and Kory. Kory is married to our daughter-in-law, Katie (whom we consider our daughter, too!), and they have blessed us with four grandchildren; Crider Wayne, Finley Knox, Garnett Levi and Evie Kate.
I graduated from Mid-Continent University and have been the pastor of Hardin Baptist Church since May 1983. For the past several years, I have been the instructor of the RBBI (River Bank Bible Institute) in Parintins, Brazil, where I get to teach and train pastors of the Amazon River Valley Region of Brazil.
I enjoy spending time with my wife, my family and taking care of our small farm. We raise registered Angus cattle and I work with my dad farming 850 acres of corn and soybeans.