The Truth About You
Dr. Kory Cunningham
November 15, 2015
Sex Outside the Garden
Bro. Ricky Cunningham
November 8, 2015
Mystery of Marriage
Bro. Ricky Cunningham
November 1, 2015
Designed for Intimacy
Dr. Kory Cunningham
October 25, 2015
Standing Out in a Blended World
Bro. Ricky Cunningham
October 18, 2015
Male or Female (Save the Best for Last)
Genesis 2:18-24, 1 Peter 3: 1-6, 1 Peter 2: 20-25, Philippians 2: 5-11
Genesis 2:18-24, 1 Peter 3: 1-6, 1 Peter 2: 20-25, Philippians 2: 5-11
Bro. Ricky Cunningham
October 11, 2015
Male or Female
Genesis 3:16 Colossians 3:18-19 1 Corinthians 11:3-12
Genesis 3:16 Colossians 3:18-19 1 Corinthians 11:3-12
Dr. Kory Cunningham
October 4, 2015
Shattered Mirrors
Gen 3:1-7 You cannot fully know yourself without understanding that something has gone terribly wrong; both with you and the […]
Gen 3:1-7 You cannot fully know yourself without understanding that something has gone terribly wrong; both with you and the world you live in. The world is not just how God created it anymore. There has been a terrible fall and you have been shattered by sin. This sermon discusses the fall of Adam and Eve, and how their fall has impacted your life.
Bro. Ricky Cunningham
September 27, 2015
Created in the Image of God
Genesis 1:26-30 Genesis 2:7 Genesis 2:18-23 Genesis 5:1-2
Genesis 1:26-30 Genesis 2:7 Genesis 2:18-23 Genesis 5:1-2
Bro. Ricky Cunningham
September 20, 2015
God is Creator
Dr. Kory Cunningham
September 13, 2015
God is God
Genesis 1:1, Job 38,41:5-6 You cannot know yourself apart from God. Therefore discovering the true you begins by acknowledging God […]
Genesis 1:1, Job 38,41:5-6 You cannot know yourself apart from God. Therefore discovering the true you begins by acknowledging God is God, and you are not. After acknowledging this, you must humble yourself and trust God’s Word more than you feelings or desires. And when your desires conflict with God’s word, you must repent and embrace the gospel and allow God to refashion you after the image of His Son.