Message: “Called (Genesis 12:1-4)” from Bro. Kory Cunningham
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ClosePastor Kory Cunningham - July 19, 2015
Called (Genesis 12:1-4)

(Part 1) Connecting your blessings to God's mission begins by responding to the call of God. For Abram that meant leaving everything behind in order to follow God into something better.
Scripture References: Genesis 12:1-4
More Messages from Pastor Kory Cunningham | Download Audio
From Series: "Blessed"
Why does God bless His people? This three-week sermon series looks at the call of Abram (Genesis 12:1-4) to teach that God blesses His people so that" they will be a blessing to others. This series will help you explore how you can connect your blessing to the greater mission God has for the world."""
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