Message: “Colossians: Complete in Christ” from Bro. Ricky Cunningham
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CloseBro. Ricky Cunningham - March 8, 2015
Colossians: Complete in Christ

Bro. Ricky Cunningham talks about 'Colossians: Complete in Christ'. Part of the 'Route 66' series.
Scripture References: Colossians 1:1-29
More Messages from Bro. Ricky Cunningham | Download Audio
From Series: "Route 66"
From a garden of ruin, to a city of restoration, this sermon series journeys through the entire Bible to show how each book fits into the storyline of God's redemption of humanity in His Son Jesus Christ. Instead of summarizing each book, these sermons seeks to show how all the individual books of the Bible make up one giant story of Christ and His Kingdom. Ultimate what man lost in the beginning, Jesus wins back in the end.
More From "Route 66"

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Leviticus: The Offering Made on the Day of Atonement
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June 15, 2014
1 Chronicles: Rebuilding the House of God
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June 22, 2014
2 Chronicles: Rebuilding The House of God Part 2
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June 29, 2014
Ezra: The Structure and the Servants of the Temple
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August 17, 2014
Song of Solomon: The Song of Songs
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September 21, 2014
Daniel: A Dream, Two Visions, and a Calendar
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November 9, 2014
Nahum: My Stronghold & My Refuge in the Day of Trouble
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November 16, 2014
Habakkuk: The Righteous Shall Live by Faith
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February 1, 2015
1 Corinthians: Sexual Ethics in the Kingdom of Christ
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February 8, 2015
2 Corinthians: Ambassadors for Christ
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March 1, 2015
Philippians: An Inmate's Guide to Joy
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March 15, 2015
1 Thessalonians: God's Will, Your Sanctification
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2 Thessalonians: When He Comes (a)
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