October Events!

Oct. 2nd- MSU Family Weekend Tailgate:
HBC will host a tailgate during Murray State Family Weekend! Tailgate begins @ 2 PM at Roy Stewart Stadium parking (enter gate nearest Reagan Field baseball stadium). The MSU football game starts @ 4 PM.
Oct. 16th-17th- Youth Fall Retreat:
Fall Retreat is just around the corner! Fall Retreat will be October 16- 17, at Jonathan Creek (Crossings). To register/ pay go to the Ministries tab and click Youth. The links to register/ pay will be on the right hand side!
Oct. 17th- Lords’ Supper / Grill Out:
Join us October 17th for a night of fellowship at the Pavilion. Everyone is welcome to worship and watch, and baptized believers are invited to join us at the table of the Lord. Afterwards we will be grilling hotdogs, hamburgers, making s’mores and so much more! Join us for a night full of fun and of the Lord!
Oct. 24th- Trunk or Treat Parade:
HBC is taking Trunk or Treat to the streets of Hardin again this year!
To sign up, text hbctrunk to 94000.
We will meet to line up in the 641 parking lot at 3pm, and the parade will start at 4pm! We look forward to seeing all of your amazing floats and willingness to serve the community of Hardin!