Wednesday’s are back (but different)
Wednesday night kick off: Sept. 8th, 6:00-7:15 pm.
Kids (Birth-5th grade) –– Kids meet in First Fruits farm (641 campus) from 6:00–7:15 pm for fun, fellowship, and gospel-centered teaching.
Youth (Middle and High School) –– Youth connect at the Point (Downtown location) from 6:00–7:15 pm for small group discipleship. Student drop-off from 5:45–6:00 pm and pick from 7:15–7:30 pm. Sign your student up for a small group here:
College –– College students are strongly encouraged to serve on Wednesday nights. Serving opportunities include kids ministry, youth ministry, or community outreach. Talk to Chris, Ellen, or Tyler or email to volunteer
Adults –– Sermon-driven Small Groups, 6:00–7:15 pm at 641 campus. All adults gather in the sanctuary on Sept. 8th and Sept. 15th for orientation. Sermon-driven small groups begin Sept. 22nd. Bro. Ricky’s class will resume Sept. 29th in the sanctuary.
*At this moment, there will not be a church-wide meal ministry on Wednesday Nights.