A Deeper Understanding

It was almost six years ago when my mother-in-law, Celisa Cunningham, approached me about beginning a Precept Bible study for women in our church. I had never heard of Precept studies before, but was definitely interested in a way to connect with other women through the study of God’s Word. Little did I know, these Bible studies would help me dig deeper into the Word than I ever knew was possible. We met in Celisa’s home surrounded by friendship, coffee, breakfast treats, and most importantly, God’s Word. The book of Ruth is where we began. I will never forget the way I felt when I first made the connection that Jesus is our Kinsman redeemer, the way Boaz was to Ruth.
I think before this time I had only looked at the Old Testament as stories to read, not books to be studied. Nor did I understand how the Old Testament books fit so perfectly with the entire narrative of scripture. The way the studies allow for discussion each week amongst sisters in Christ only helped to strengthen my knowledge of the Word and forge bonds with other believers. It was so refreshing to be a part of something like this where I wasn’t only learning so many things about God, but also about myself and other women who I looked up to so much.
God has remained faithful in allowing me to continue to be a part of these studies over the past six years. We have studied so many different books of the Bible so intensely that my husband often times compares my work to that of a seminary class. I feel more confident in my knowledge of God’s Word and have learned how to effectively study any book of the Bible on my own.
By God’s grace, our group has continued to grow and we now have outgrown Celisa’s living room. We meet two different times during the week to better accommodate women’s schedules. A new study on the Covenants of God will begin on September 2nd and 3rd. The Wednesday night class meets at 6:15pm in room M109 and the Thursday morning class meets in the foyer of the 641 campus at 9:30am. Childcare is provided for both classes. I would love for you to be a part of our group. Sign up here.