Accountability Got Me Out of Bed This Morning.

This morning my alarm rang at 6:00am, and the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed. The holiday weekend had really taken it out of me, and all I wanted to do this Tuesday morning was catch a few extra minutes of sleep before bussing the kids to school and facing the new work week. But instead of hitting snooze, I jumped out of bed and grabbed by Bible… all because of accountability.
About six months ago I realized I needed to invite men into my life to hold me accountable to stay in God’s Word consistently, and from this realization “Fight Club” was born.
What is Fight Club? Every morning (Monday-Friday) I wake up 30 minutes to an hour earlier than I have to and spend that time reading and studying God’s Word. Currently I am working through reading the whole Bible in six months, with equates to reading 5-7 chapters of the OT and 1-3 of the NT. I read the OT chapters, and then study through the NT chapters. I then write three to four reflection paragraphs of what God showed me that morning on my iPhone Notes, and then email those notes out to three guys.
After hitting send I check my email because those other three guys have done the same thing. They got up early, got in God’s word, and emailed me what God showed them that morning (or else they are in big trouble).
The Beauty of Accountability
Why do I share my morning routine with you? Because this morning I got up and got in God’s Word, and if it wasn’t for the accountability of those three guys, I’m 99% sure I would have hit snooze and rolled over. But since I knew hitting snooze would result in three guys asking me why I didn’t email them, I had just enough motivation to sit up, rub my eyes, walk into the dark living room, and hit brew on the coffee maker.
So there I sit in my arm chair, still sleepy but beginning to come alive as my eyes begin to focus on the Psalms. After a few short lines, my eyes and heart were fully awake as the glory of God filled my now awakened soul. By the first cup of coffee, my heart was filled with God’s love and my affections were centered on His beauty.
It was accountability that got me out of bed this morning, but it was the glory of God that made my heart sing! Dear friend, the flesh is weak and your schedule is busy. I plead with you to get accountability in your life. I know for me it is often the difference between sleeping in or beholding the glory of God.