“Go!” and Host a Block Party

Church, we have been entrusted with the gospel; that is the power of God (Romans 1:16).
Jan 28, 2024— Bro. Ricky preached on the church’s mission to “Go” and the importance of being an effective witness of the gospel. What better way to conclude our “WE ARE SENT” series than with a charge to scatter amongst our community?
On March 24, small pockets of believers will host block parties throughout the area in hopes of building relationships with our neighbors. Whoever it be, associates or acquaintances, our vision is to reach those lost in our concentric circle with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Step 1: Grab a team
Find a few HBC friends. Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). Join forces with a family who lives down the street, or pair up with a couple from your small group. Whoever it may be, find your people.
Step 2: Make a plan
Now, let’s strategize. Block parties are a great way to be intentional and build relationships. They can be anything from card games to a March Madness watch party. Let us open up our homes, showing hospitality to our friends and neighbors.
Step 3: Invite some friends
The most crucial step. Invite a few non-HBC friends! Whether this be another parent on your kid’s basketball team or your lost coworker for whom you’ve been in prayer. Who has the Lord placed in your life?
Easter Sunday is just around the corner. What a great opportunity to invite someone to attend Hardin Baptist Church for the very first time. As we gather around our tables or sit in front of our televisions, let’s use that moment to share the hope that binds us together!
Love thy neighbor by going. Can they call on whom they don’t believe? Can they believe in whom they have not heard? Can they hear without someone being sent? If we truly believe “no one seeks God,” then we, the church, must “go” to them. We are the end of the earth.