I Went to Nicaragua in High School, and Now I’m Leading a Team
The summer before my senior year of high school, I left the country for the first time ever. At the time, I was a mixture of emotions including scared, anxious and super excited. Even though I had done my research on Nicaragua, I really didn’t know exactly what to expect out of that trip. However, I know that I did not expect to fall in love with a country and a people group the way that I did. During the trip to Nicaragua that summer, God changed my life and my heart.
Fast forward two summers in the future, the summer after my freshman year of college at UK, where I was no longer attending Hardin Baptist Church regularly anymore due to distance. But again, I found myself in Nicaragua. This time for a month, serving as an intern for Partners in Christ Ministries, whom HBC travels to Nicaragua through. One afternoon I was posting on Facebook about my day, and God brought an idea to my mind. I thought about how amazing it was to be serving God overseas at such a young age and God had changed my heart for missions. I thought that it shouldn’t just be me that God is changing, but other people my age should be experiencing this too. At that time I texted a girl from back home who I knew would love to be a part of a mission. I told her about my idea and just asked her to think and pray about it and if God really wanted it to happen, it would.
Fast forward again, to right now. I’m now less than two months away from leading my first mission trip of a group of 13 other college students to Nicaragua through Partners in Christ! I couldn’t be more excited to see how God is going to use us in the community and school we will be working with! I ask that you either begin, or continue to pray for the group and I as we are still fundraising to help pay for our trip and our supplies we will need. Please also pray for our hearts and the hearts of everyone we will come into contact with as we are in Nicaragua, and that God prepares us and them for His will.
Thank you to Hardin Baptist Church and all of its members, as this would not be happening without faithful givers and those with true hearts for the Great Commission! Thanks and God Bless!
Bailey Futrell
If you would like to help support Bailey and the other college students, please visit their Go Fund Me page (http://www.gofundme.com/eui3o4). Pray. Give. Go.