Hardin Men

Discipleship Groups
When do groups meet?
Groups meet once a week at various times and places throughout the week. Most groups meet before work for breakfast. Other groups meet at night or on the weekends.
Each member commits to meet weekly for a full semester of group. Regular attendance in group is essential to each member’s spiritual growth.
Book Reading Plan — 2024 fall semester we will read through God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts Here is the detail plan — God’s Big Picture
Bible Reading/Prayer Plan — 90 Days of Praying the Psalms — https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/15280
At its core, Hardin Men is about discipleship. Discipleship groups consist of approximately five guys who meet weekly to discuss Scripture, pray and push each other to follow Jesus. By design, these groups produce disciple-makers who leave the group after one year to start another group to disciple five more guys.
Each discipleship group will pray and seek the Lord’s direction to impact people with the gospel through ministry and mission. Groups will participate in gospel work in the community of Hardin, the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, and abroad in places like Nicaragua.
Discipleship groups provide men with mentoring opportunities. In these groups, young men or new believers can seek out one-on-one mentorship with older or more mature Christian men. Various events throughout the year will provide space to find and cultivate these relationships.