Tyler Whitt Interview
Our Middle School Ministry is growing!! We need someone full-time to keep an eye on this ministry and help shepherd the Middle School Students and their Parents. Tyler Whitt has been a youth intern for the past year and has gone above in beyond. He led the middle school camps and mission trips this past summer, in addition to helping lead the Costa Rica Mission trip! He has also been leading the Middle School Sunday School Class.
We believe Tyler is the perfect person for this position and would like to present him for hire as the Middle School Director.
Members will be able to vote on Sunday, August 8th, in person, and online.
Tyler Whitt will be at the Green Wall in between services, on September 1st, for you to stop by and get to know him.
Click below to hear Tyler share his testimony, tell his story of how he got to Hardin, and why he strongly desires to shepherd the Middle School Students at Hardin Baptist!