Guidelines and Detail

Great news!
We added more seats for worship while still maintaining social distance. We took out the unused middle rows to make each row roomier and added a new front and back row. Fewer rows mean ALL seats are now open (no more dots saying “row closed” in the row you want to sit in!). Seating capacity is now 450, which means we have plenty of room for you!
The increased capacity means you no longer have to pre-register for worship or check-in at the door. Just come! We can hear the cheers. Once on campus, you can “sign the clipboard” to let us know you came by texting “register” to 94000.

Check out this video showing the new seating! PLAY VIDEO
If you have kids coming to 9:15 AM ONLY Sunday School, you will need to pre-register them, so we have plenty of rooms and teachers.
Can’t wait to see you Sunday, in-person or online!
Guidelines for on-campus gatherings

For an detailed video about our guidelines click here.
**Please note, for the safety of others, everyone attending in-person gatherings are required to wear a mask, socially distance, and get temperature checked at door. No hugs or handshakes please. Nursing rooms available We understand these are inconveniences and hope you view them as a way to love others and keep everyone safe. If you are uncomfortable with these requirements, we encourage you to continue worshiping with us via livestream at 9:15 AM.
Kids Sunday School at 9:15 Only. Here are the guidelines and cleaning procedures.
Sign your kids up here.