The Lord is a Warrior
The people of Israel are now beginning their journey through the wilderness. They have discovered that God is not concerned with how fast they get there, but who they are […]
Thoughts From Kenya
I could get eaten by any kind of wild animal right now, or just bitten to death by mosquitoes. My sunburn is literally never going away. How can I avoid […]
Following God
Life is filled with decisions; what to eat for breakfast, where to go to college, whom to marry, where to live, work, and leave a legacy. Everyday life is filled […]
Exodus For Kids | 4.17.2016
Hey kids, this is Bro. Kory and I want tell you a funny story about my mom (you may know her as Memish). A few years ago, we went to […]
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to forget things? Most of the time, the here and now consumes us, so we spend little time reflecting and remembering the […]
Soul Food (Exodus 12)
If you ask a friend to meet you for lunch, you’re not inviting them to consume calories with you so you both can survive. Instead, you’re inviting them to share a […]